About Me

My name is Yifan Bian(卞逸凡 in simplified Chinese). I am currently a MSc student at USTC(University of Science and Technology of China), department of EEIS(Electronic Engineering and Information Science), supervised by Dong Liu. Previously, I got my Bachelar's degree from Tongji University, Shanghai.

Now, I am working as a member of iVC(Intelligent Video Coding) group. My research interests are in image/video coding, particularly end to end video coding for machines.


Grand Challenge on VCIP 2023

📢 We have won the 2nd place award (2/63), Grand Challenge
on "End-to-End Video Compression" (VCIP 2023).

Education Experience

University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China

September 2022 - Now
Ms.c in Electronic Engineering and Information Science

Tongji University, Shanghai, China

September 2018 - July 2022
Undergraduate Student in Computer Science


  • Y. Bian, X. Sheng, L. Li and D. Liu, "LSSVC: A Learned Spatially Scalable Video Coding Scheme," in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 33, pp. 3314-3327, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TIP.2024.3395025.

Honors and Awards

  • 2023.12, VCIP 2023 Grand Challenge Award (Video compression track) Second prize winner, Yifan Bian, Chuanbo Tang, Yao Li, Zhuoyuan Li.

  • 2022.12, VCIP 2022 Grand Challenge Award (Image compression speed track) Second prize winner, Xihua Sheng, Xinmin Feng, Bojun Liu, Yifan Bian, Yanchen Zuo.

Standard Contributions


  • Algorithm description of AVS3-EEM v2.0.
  • Algorithm description of AVS3-EEM v1.0.

Contact Information

E-Mail: togelbian@gmail.com